715-239-3709 | Mon -Thurs 10 am-5 pm, Fri & Sat: 10 am-2 pm publiclibrary@cornellpl.org

Library Services

Interlibrary Loan

Need something we don’t own? We’ll try to borrow it!

Get a Library Card

Area residents wishing to get a library number in our system need to come in and fill out a brief form.

We now require two forms of identification with matching addresses. 

  • The applicant will need a current Driver’s License and another form of identification with a matching address. 
  • This identification can be a letter or another piece of mail that provides proof of an established address.
  • Persons not in possession of a Driver’s License will need to provide some other form of identification which includes a photo and address. 
  • A library number will be issued in our system for the patron.
  • The number will be valid for two years, at which time it can be renewed.
  • Parents may fill out a form for children to have their own number issued.
  • Parents or guardians of children under the age of 18 are responsible for items checked out to their minor children.
  • “Summer” residents will be issued library numbers with proof of their local summer address. Their winter address will also be requested for our records.
  • We do have a checkout limit for new patrons. This is due to problems we have in recent years with patrons moving out of town without returning library items.
  • These checkout limits were established by the Library Board.
  • New Family accounts have a limit of six items per checkout. New patrons with individual accounts may checkout two items per visit.
  • Increased checkouts are at the discretion of the library staff and based on a patron’s return history.

Loan Periods

Our loan periods for library items are as follows:

Books……………………..Three weeks
Audiobooks…… ………Three weeks
CD’s………………………..Three weeks
Magazines………………One week
DVD’s……………………..One week
NSP Meters…………….One Week
Puppet Kits…………….One Week

New items (those in the library two months or less) are not eligible for renewal.

Items may be renewed once  as long as there is no waiting list for that item.

Patrons with items on reserve will be called when the item comes in. They have three days to stop and pick up the reserved item. If they do not come in by the end of the three day period. The item will be given to the next person on the reserve list.

Loan Periods

How long can I borrow this?

Fax Machine & Copier

Copy Services

We have a copy machine available for patrons to use themselves, but we are able to offer assistance to those who might need help.

  • B&W 20 cents
  • Color :  partial page- 25 cents, whole page- $1.00
  • We will no longer give free copies to students or non-profit organizations.

People who have their own paper are welcome to use it for printing purposes, however the same print cost applies.



  • The library will send and receive faxed documents for patrons and area residents.
  • The fax fee is $1.00 for the first five pages, and an additional dollar for pages five through ten, and so on.
  • An international fax will cost $5 per page.
  • Our fax number is 715-239-3704.
Faxes & Copies

Fax number 715-239-3704

Tax Forms

The Cornell Public Library carries some of the basic tax forms for the
current year. These are available for the public to stop in and pick up
each January through mid-April.

We suggest that people know which tax forms they personally need before they come in to pick them up.

Forms are also available online:

Federal Income Tax Forms


Wisconson State Tax Forms


Minnesota State Tax Forms

Tax Forms

Wisonsin & Federal Forms

Interlibrary Loan

The Cornell Public Library is happy to provide the Interlibrary Loan system for our patrons.  If there is an item we don’t own, we are always happy to try to borrow it from another library for our patron upon request.

Library patrons with a request:

  • Can call in their request to library staff 715-239-3709
  • Send an email to: publiclibrary@cornellpl.org
  • Or make the request in person at the library.  Library staff will then put the request into WISCAT.

Patrons are notified by telephone when the item has been received at our library.

Patrons are asked to remember that newer items are usually not available for several months. The availablity of the item will depend on the age, demand, and the number of holdings throughout the state.

There is no charge for our patrons to use this service.

The only cost that could occur, would be for items lost or damaged by the patron.

Interlibrary Loan

Need something we don’t own? We’ll try to borrow it!

Wisconsin Talking Book & Braille Library

The Wisconsin Talking Book and Braille Library (WTBBL) is part of the Talking Book Program of the Library of Congress.  They provide Braille and recorded books and playback equipment through the postal service for those Wisconsin residents who for any physical reason cannot read normal print. These services are free to the print-handicapped.

Those eligible for free delivery must have been certified by a competen authority to have a visual handicap, legal   blindness, physical handicap or  reading disablilty.

 For more information contact the WTBBL at:


 Toll-free  telephone number in WI: (800) 242-8822

Computers & Wifi

Basic Computer and Internet Information

  • Computer and Internet users must check in at the circulation desk.
  • Young people under the age of 18 must have a consent form filled in by a parent or guardian in order to use the Internet.
  • Computer users are limited to one hour sessions unless no one else is waiting for computer time.
  • There is a two hour per day maximum limit of computer use per person.
  • The library is not responsible for any information or sites obtained by the computer user.
  • Anyone caught using pornographic sites will receive a warning the first time. A second offense will result in the suspension of privileges for six months. A third offense will result in a suspension of privileges for an additional one year period.
  • Copies may be made for a fee. Black and white copies are 20 cents per page and colored copies are 25 cents per copy.
  • The library staff can offer basic assistance in getting started with the computers.
  • Patrons with specific programs should have personal knowledge of the program and manage it on their own.

Wireless Internet Access

  • The Cornell Public Library offers wireless Internet access to our patrons and visitors.
  • This is a free, unfiltered wireless Intenet access.
  • The wireless connection can be found as “publiclibrary” under network connections on your laptop computer.
  • Patrons are cautioned that security for personal data and wireless devices rests solely with the owner of the wireless device.
  • The library assumes no responsiblity for the safety of the patron’s equipment or for any damage that might occur to a patron’s computer configurations or data resulting from connection to the library’s wireless access.
  • Library staff can only offer basic assistance in getting started with the wireless network. Staff members are not trained to assist in troubleshooting problems with patron’s personal devices.
  • Library power outlets may not always be available.
  • The library does not guarantee that patrons will always be able to make a wireless connection.
  • Violation of policies and regulations that govern the use of the library’s Internet resources may result in the suspension or loss of privileges to use these resources.
  • Any illegal activity involving the library’s Internet resources will be subject to prosecution by the appropriate authorites.

 Internet Policy

  • The Cornell Public Library provides free access to the Internet as an informational, educational and recreational resource.
  • The library expects that all use of the electonic resources will be responsible and consistant with the purpose for which these resources are provided. The Cornell Public Library does not monitor, or filter Internet use.
  • The library has no control over the information accessed through the Internet, and is not responsible for it’s content.

Accepable Use Guidelines

  • All users of the computers and the Internet are expected to use these resources in a reponsible manner and follow these guidelines.
  • Computer use is for educational, informational and recreational purposes only. It is NOT to be used for any unauthorized, illegal or unethical purposes.
  • Respect the privacy of others using the workstations, by not interfering with their use.
  • Make only authorized copies of copyrighted or licensed software or data.
  • Do not send, receive or display text or graphics which may be reasonably considered obsence.
  • Do not alter the setup or configuration of any library hardware or software.
  • Do not engage in any activities which might be disruptive to other library users.

Children and the Internet

  • Children under the age of 18 must have an Internet Consent Form signed by their parent or guardian before they are allowed to use the Internet.
  • The parent or guardian has the sole responsibility to determine what is an acceptable age for their child to start using the Internet. As with other library materials, restrictions of a child’s access to the Internet is the sole responsibility of the parent or guardian.
  • The library cannot control the information young people may find on the Internet. For these reasons, the supervision of children using the Internet is the responsibility of the parent or guardian.

 Using the Internet

  • Learning to use the Internet is best done by doing.
  • The library staff will be able to get you started, but will not be able to assist computer users with individual problems or specific programs.
  • Computer time slots may be reserved by calling the library at 715-239-3709.
  • Reserved computers will be held for 15 minutes past the reserved time. If that library patron has not arrived to use the computer by that time, another patron will be given the time slot.
  • One hour time slots are allowed for patrons, with a maximum of two hours of use per day.
  • The library staff reserves the right to impose restrictions on users of the Internet if deemed necessary.
  • Any patron with ten dollars or more in fines will not be allowed to use computers until their fines have been paid.
  • Persons caught on pornographic sites will recieve a warning on their first offense. A second offense will result in the supension of privileges for six months. And a third offense will result in a suspension of privileges for an additional year.
  • The Cornell Public Library disclaims any liability or responsibility arising from access to, or use of, information obtained through the Internet.
  • Just as librarians to not vouch for, or endorse the viewpoints of written material in their collections, they do not endorse electronic information. The Cornell Public Library has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for the accuracy or validity of it’s content.